Nurture Your Kids

Kids are naturally vibrant, aware, and full of innocent wisdom. BrahmaYoga empowers children and helps them gain self-confidence, a positive attitude, mindfulness and empathy. With the help of Yoga postures, they understand the mind-body coordination and meditation helps them understand the strength of the soul and its innate powers.

Here are some of the challenges kids are facing and how BrahmaYoga by Alpna can help:

  • Anxiety: Anxiety in kids can be caused by many factors in their lifestyle like competition, teacher-student relationship/parent-child relationship, lack of sleep, pressure of studies or any health related problems. Yoga helps them focus on their chakras which creates flexibility and strength in their attitude to handle any given situation.

  • Health Issues: The ancient science of yoga has the capability to cure not only lifestyle related health problems like obesity, eyesight issues, migraine, asthma, allergies etc., but also genetic and congenital disorders like diabetes, thyroid disorders, autism, etc. Practicing Ashtanga Yoga helps them discipline their lifestyle and bring the change. Yoga postures help release blocked energy and create a smooth flow of fluids resulting in the correction of hormonal imbalances. Meditation helps the mind to coordinate with the body and works towards natural gene correction. Researchers at the Benson-Henry Institute for Mind/Body Medicine at Massachusetts General Hospital and Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center revealed changes in gene expression following meditation - “People who practice simple meditation experience a specific genomic response that counteracts the harmful genomic effects of stress.”

  • Behavioral Issues: Some specific yoga postures prescribed by the master helps children in curing behavioral problems like hyperactivity, disobedience, eccentric behavior, temperamental issues etc. Yoga and meditation helps them focus and direct their energy towards their chosen goal. Specific set of yoga postures, lifestyle discipline and meditation helps them to become aware of their thoughts, intentions and actions which calms them down and helps them to channelize their energy constructively.